Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Black-Robed Being

[Editor's Note:  Presented without edits.  I suspect this was from 2014-15, while C was in 4th grade.]

I was in a "haunted house" that I bought and I heard a loud thump from downstairs.  I opened my door and went downstairs but nothing was there.  Then I heard a high-pitched squek.  It came from my bedroom I ran up the stairs then I opened the door and I saw a magical being in the middle of the room with a hooded cape on.

It told me that if I didn't move out of that house that something terrible would happen to me and my entire family.  I didn't listen to the figure so I got all the wrath from all the worlds combind.  I'm still here right now and going to move out of this house in the mourning.  I can't stand this at all.

I'm scared that beings that have come have tired to kill me in my sleep lots of times.  A couple of times I have seen my grandparents who are dead when I've almost died.  I can't do this, I can't live here, but I have to I've been kicked out everywhere I have nowhere else to live but here.  HELP!

Swedish Fish

[Editor's Note:  I think this was from the 2014-15 school year, when she was in 4th grade.  As always, the paper is presented unedited.]

I love Swedish Fish because it reminds me of my old house Chicago, my second reason that I love Swedish Fish is because it is squishy and taste fruity, and last but not least I love Swedish Fish because it goes well on ice cream.

I love Swedish Fish because it reminds me of my old house in Chicago because my dad took me to this place where he played games and I would always get Swedish Fish and grape soda.  Another reason that I love Swedish Fish is because I have so many memories from it, my last reason that I love Swedish Fish is because they are crazy red.

I love Swedish Fish because it is hard, squish and fruity in my mouth, it's almost like a fruit punch, when you keep it in your mouth for a while it gets really gooie in your mouth.  It is hard when you just put it in your mouth.

Finally, my last reason that I love Swedish Fish is because it goes really good on ice cream because it gets squishy when you bite on ice cream and Swedish Fish at the same time, also it is hard when it is on the ice cream for a while, and it is refreshing to have it with ice cream, also they are cute little baby fish.

In conclusion, I love Swedish Fish, because it reminds me of my old house in Chicago, my second reason that I love Swedish Fish is because it is squishy and tastes fruity, and last but not least I love Swedish Fish because it taste good on ice cream.